Vision Board & Goal Planning: Alex Maeckelbergh


Today we sit down with Alex Maeckelbergh, the owner of Alexandria Mackenzie Marketing Co.! Her company works with business owners on their social media marketing, branding, systems, and accountability! With seven years of experience in the real estate space, she works with many agents and lenders to bring their business goals to life. Fun fact: Alex is our systems and accountability consultant here on the All American Dream Podcast!

Bring it on 2022

Last week, we hosted a Vision Board Workshop where Alex facilitated a conversation around manifesting your vision and achieving goals in 2022. If you’re looking for a step by step, tangible plan to achieve your goals, this episode will walk you through five helpful steps to reach your dream destination in your life and career in the coming year! Alex’s Tip: Take out a notebook and pen as you work through these steps!

STEP 1 | Where are you now?

Before you can start working on your vision for the year ahead, it’s important to understand where you are at NOW. How satisfied are you with the areas of your life? Think of this as taking a “helicopter view” of your life, so you can work to bring balance in your mind before taking inspired action with your vision board. How do we do that? In your notebook, list 5-7 different areas of your life such as health, relationships, money, career, etc. Creating a 0-10 scale, mark where you are satisfied in those areas. Now you have a visual representation of your current life balance and are able to see the areas of your life that may need attention and where you may choose to set your goals for the year ahead.

STEP 2 | Where do you want to go?

Now that you have identified those different areas in your life, what does 10/10 feel like? Try to sit and reflect on this past year and the year to come and what does that 10/10 life feel like, what does it look like? In your notebook, think about these questions:

  • What could I use more of in my life?

  • What could I use less of in my life?

  • How do I want to feel this year?

  • What do I want to achieve this year?

Alex’s Tip: Think about what it is that uplifts you and energizes you. Use this to raise your target energy so you can build your vision board in the right frame of mind!

Step 3 | Goals for the year

This is the important part! A vision board without goals and intentions is just a collage of your favorite things. This vision board will help keep you on track and serve as something to focus on when the going gets tough, which we all know it does. Take some time to brainstorm a list of goals and desires for the year ahead. Alex’s Tip: Whether they are big or small, they deserve to be written down!

STEP 4 | Get creative

Now comes the fun part! It’s time to get creative and build that vision board. When creating your board, make sure you are choosing images/words that make you feel good, inspire you, and make you feel that 10/10 feeling. Alex’s Tip: Think about your vision literally and laterally! The image you choose to represent and what you want to achieve doesn’t always have to be the EXACT thing in the picture, but more what it means to you.

STEP 5 | Take inspired action

This is where we take things a step further. We’re not going to just put our board together and set it somewhere we’ll never see again. Now you want to think about how you can take inspired action to achieve your goals. In your notebook, brainstorm what actions can you take from your board? Alex’s Tip: Try to think of at least 3 actions you can start working on NOW to help you raise your target energy, start working towards your goals, and achieving the vision on your board!

People feel like they set goals they think they HAVE to, that they don’t actually want to achieve. Stop doing that. Set the goals you want to achieve, do the things you want to do. Don’t do stuff you feel you SHOULD be doing. That’s why it is important to take time to work through what you actually want and where you’re at and doing that reflecting on yourself before you do make those goals for the year.
— Alex Maeckelbergh
Kevin Gartland