Why is Setting Goals Important?

It is important to be setting and achieving goals from time to time. Goals can have a variety of benefits, but if you’re consistently setting goals and failing to achieve them, they can have the opposite effect. Make sure the goals you set are attainable yet still require work & effort to achieve. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that you could experience!

Improved Focus

Setting goals allows you to focus on the few things that are most important at a given time. Goals give you a framework of what needs to be done, and allows you to develop a clear course of action.

Increased Accountability

When set correctly, goals should involve a specific timeline of when they should be achieved. Goals increase accountability because you are able to easily see whether you are on-track or off track, and whether or not you are hitting your deadlines. If you are failing to reach your goal, you are able to step back and identify your obstacles.


Since goals give you a clear objective, they are able to increase motivation. People often feel unmotivated when they feel that there is no end in sight, and goals eliminate that issue. The accountability and timely factors contribute to more motivation, which also increases productivity!

Feeling of Success

Achieving a goal that you set for yourself builds confidence and gives a feeling of success. Being able to measure what you’ve done and say that you can cross a certain goal off your list is a great accomplishment, and allows you to feel proud of the work that you’ve done. This feeling of success is often a driving factor that leads people to continue to set and achieve goals!

Kevin Gartland