Pandemic Follow-Up Ideas

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We really don’t know how long we are going to be living like this. Us salespeople are going absolutely nuts, amiright?! I even recently heard someone refer to pre-pandemic as the “before times.” I know we’ve all taken some time to analyze what our business might look like in this new normal. But there is one thing for certain. You still have to follow up, follow up, follow up! 

So today we are going to share 10 ways that you can continue to follow up with your clients during and post-pandemic.

Host an online homebuyer or home seller webinar! Better yet, you can record this and use it to send to clients before you even get a chance to meet.

I love this one, partner with a local business and send out an enticing coupon to your sphere. This supports the local economy as well as keeping you TOM!


“pellentesque non dui ullamcorper, consequat leo quis, aliquam metus. suspendisse pellentesque pulvinar felis, nec aliquam lorem vehicula volutpat” 

Brooke: Use this time to deepen your relationships with your service providers and vendors. They are also feeling the heat during this time and it’s important that they know you’re in the trenches with them.

Lizzie: SOCIAL, SOCIAL, SOCIAL. There is more activity on social media right now than there ever has been! People are bored at home. Use this time to invest and plan a thoughtful social media strategy. Plan on how much you’re doing to spend on ads. Now is the time!

Brooke: Drop off gift baskets to your clients doorstep. If they have kids, include chalk or other outdoor activities. If they’re empty nesters, give them a pack of local gourmet coffee and a crossword book.

Lizzie: Do you have a farm? Instead of sharing industry news to them right now, highlight local business, ways people can give back, and happy silver linings. You can even call your database and spark up these conversations about positive and meaningful things going on in their lives which will deepen your relationship with them as well as give you valuable content for your newsletter!

Lizzie: Create a podcast, just like this one! Odds are you have a little more time on your hands right now. Use it to build something that’s yours.

Brooke: Here’s a quick one, just refer to our first episode about LinkedIn. Take some time to reflect and update your profile using the tips and tricks we share.

Lizzie: Finally, use this time to truly scrub and clean up your database. Open the contacts app on your phone and scroll to the very bottom. How many contacts do you have? Mine says 633. Those are 633 opportunities to check in with people in your sphere and ask them about FORD. Family, occupation, recreation, and dreams. This is the groundwork for having meaningful conversations with people.

LifeKevin Gartland