Stop Procrastinating



Make a check payable to someone you would never want the money to go to.


Get an accountability partner.

If you hit your numbers every day, 

How many days and what is your daily number?

You’re going to have to eat the cat food.


“pellentesque non dui ullamcorper, consequat leo quis, aliquam metus. suspendisse pellentesque pulvinar felis, nec aliquam lorem vehicula volutpat” 

5 Second Rule

The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.

The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule. When you feel yourself hesitate before doing something that you know you should do, count 5-4-3-2-1-GO and move towards action. There is a window that exists between the moment you have an instinct to change and your mind killing it. It’s a 5 second window. And it exists for everyone.

If you do not take action on your instinct to change, you will stay stagnant. You will not change. But if you do one simple thing, you can prevent your mind from working against you. You can start the momentum before the barrage of thoughts and excuses hit you at full force.

What do you do? Just start counting backwards to yourself: 5-4-3-2-1.

The counting will focus you on the goal or commitment and distract you from the worries, thoughts, and excuses in your mind. As soon as you reach “1” – push yourself to move.

This is how you push yourself to do the hard stuff – the work that you don’t feel like doing, or you’re scared of doing, or you’re avoiding. That’s it. 5 seconds is all it takes. If you don’t act on an instinct within that 5 second window, that’s it. You’re not doing it.

15 minute challenge

This is a tip from Grant Cardone. Whether it’s Netflix, Facebook, or your dog, life has up distractions that take away your attention from important tasks. You justify it because it’s just five minutes here, five minutes there; but before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour. To beat procrastination, you cannot compromise or get distracted by activities with little or no value.

So what Grant Cardone does is he divides each hour into 15-minute blocks, then he works as fast and furiously as he can to see how much I can accomplish in each block. When you approach time this way, you have little room for distraction as you move from one thing to the next. It’s like setting up little challenges for yourself and I mean, you can do anything for 15 minutes, can’t you?

Ryan Dossey is a real estate investor in the Midwest with over 125 rental units. Unfortunately, parts of the business aren’t always fun. It’s easy to get burned out or procrastinate on projects that we aren’t in love with, especially as an entrepreneur. Whenever I feel stuck, I disconnect from social media, shut off my phone, and get outside. I go for a hike, a run, or a walk on the beach. Then I take a cold shower and block an hour or two to work on that task.

After you’ve accomplished the task, reflect on why you got hung up in the first place. We often procrastinate on projects we shouldn’t have taken on, to begin with. If it’s not in your zone of genius, delegate or outsource it next time.

MarketingKevin Gartland