Building Confidence in Your Identity: Stefani Havel


Stefani jumps into describing how she got into manifesting and affirmations at 00:46. At 4:13, Stefani begins to discuss what the acronym SAVERS stands for and how it relates to having a “miracle morning”.

At 6:43, Stefani recalls asking herself, “why do we struggle with thinking of positive words and affirmations about ourselves?” This very question took Stefani back to an experience she had when she was younger. At 7:26, Stefani begins to share the story that helped her develop a mindset that allowed her to transform her thinking and break through those limiting beliefs about herself.

When Stefani was 19 years old, her mother unexpectedly passed away in her sleep. After hearing this heart-breaking news, Stefani was grief-stricken and returned home from college to spend time with her family. 8 days after the passing of her mother, Stefani’s father gave her some advice that changed the rest of her life. Listen to what he said at 12:38.

It was in that moment that I realized that every day you wake up is the most important day of your life.
— Stefani Havel

At 14:40, Stefani reveals the affirmation system that she uses that has tremendously impacted her life. This affirmation system is different for everyone and can be used on an individual basis or with your family & your kids!

At 20:32, Stefani describes another life experience that left her heartbroken. While this event rocked her world, her dad helped her through once again with the affirmation system he taught her.

Stefani goes on to talk about how no matter how much adversity you experience in your life, those things and experiences don’t define you. You define you. Knowing who you are and being confident in your identity can tremendously impact your outlook on life in such a positive way.

You can find Stefani at:

Instagram: @stefi711



Kevin Gartland