Practice Safe Searching


Today's episode is all about surfing the web in the most careful and safest of manners.  
We've all received that scam or phishing email, asking us for personal information (or trying to arrest us if we don't call them back!). These scammers have become professional at what they do, so we're here to give you some tips on identifying and avoiding being scammed.  


Listen to minute 1:40 for a definition of phishing and what type of information these scammers are looking for. 

Within real estate, wire fraud is a massive problem because of the amount of money being moved around - especially during this time with historically low rates! 

3:26 reminds us to not click any links until we're uber confident it isn't going to bring us to a virtually unsafe destination. 

Be diligent, pay attention to detail in an email from someone you don't know, and listen for more helpful tips! Click here to learn more about how to practice safe searching.

LifeKevin Gartland