10 Ways to Spring Clean your Marketing Efforts

Spring is here, and we all know what that means! It’s a time to declutter, reorganize, and rejuvenate. While spring cleaning in your home is always great, it’s also necessary to do some spring cleaning with your marketing/business! We’ve compiled a list of our favorite spring cleaning tips for work.


1. Look at the numbers

Look at the content that you’ve been posting. This can be your blog, social media, website, etc. Pay attention to what type of content performs well or receives a lot of engagement, and what type of content doesn’t. Performing this content analysis will allow you to re-structure your content strategy moving forward!

2. Check your keywords!

It’s important to regularly check what search keywords or hashtags are best to use for your industry. What better time to do this than in the spring? Update your content to include relevant keywords that will generate more exposure and engagement.

3. Optimize your Google My Business listing

Optimize your Google My Business listing by updating your company hours, posting recent photos/videos of your office or team, and making sure all business information is accurate! You may also want to use this time to ask your clients for reviews! Ensuring that your information is up-to-date and you’re consistently receiving good reviews is a great way to boost your company’s performance on Google.

4. Clean up your files

Especially when you work with content creation or marketing, it can be incredibly easy to accumulate mountains of files within your photos and documents folders. Eliminate that overwhelming feeling by going through your files and deleting the things that you know you will no longer use.

5. Strategize

Have a brainstorming session and come up with 3-5 major things that you want to communicate with your audience about your business/team. Coming up with these broad categories of things you want to post will make it easier to create content because it gives you an idea of the direction you want to go in!

6. Update social media profiles

Check out all your social media profiles. What does your bio say? What is your profile picture? Where does the link in your bio lead people to? These are all things that need a spring refresh! ESPECIALLY the link in your bio. We’ve all be guilty of having a link tree that gets a little messy and has way too many links. Clean it up!

7. Re-organize and update your website

Visit your website and look at the photos/videos, layout, and content. Is it consistent with the brand image you’re trying to achieve? Is it up-to-date? You should be taking new photos for your website and social media every year! Update the pictures on your website. Remove the reviews that are over a year old, and throw some new ones on there. Meet with your team to brainstorm ideas to spice up your website!

8. Rethink your value proposition

One of the most important things to keep in mind when marketing your company to other people is the value that you offer. What makes you different from the competition? Why should people choose to do business with you? Spring is a great time to rethink your value proposition and refine your responses to these questions.

9. Connect with your network

It can be so easy to procrastinate maintaining your network, but it is SO IMPORTANT! Take a good look at your contact list. What people on there have you been meaning to re-connect with? Identify the individuals that you’d like to follow-up with, and add it to your calendar!

10. Make a schedule

This is a wonderful time to check in with yourself. Where are you at in terms of achieving your goals for the year? Create an updated calendar/schedule of what you need to achieve based on where you’re at now to hit your goals for the year.

Kevin Gartland